Goldcrest Valley XXL Hof V 1.1 FS 17
Version 1.1
1.Startfelder wurde geändert ( 3 im Besitz )
2.Startfahrzeuge wurde geändert (somit mehr Startkapital wenn Fahrzeuge verkauft werden)
3.Wasserbrunnen wurde auf dem Hof verteilt
4.Fehlende Sounddateien wurden hinzugefügt
1.Start fields changed (3 owned)
2.Start vehicles changed (thus more starting capital when vehicles are sold)
3.Water fountain was distributed in the courtyard
4.Spare sound files have been added
Herewith I want to put my converted Goldcrest Valley Map available.
Maybe find someone like on this Map. Since some space lacking on most maps (the main yard or farm) to countless placeable mods accommodate, I’ve even dealt with it the court to increase slightly. The animals are housed in the yard.
I am a beginner .Habt mercy. Just try and leave a response. Would be very nice of you.
Wishes Enjoy all