Goldcrest Valley II V FS 17
1. Corrected shader issue with Water Tanks (Thanks blackmeistro).
2. Fixed some correction’s with farm storage silos.
3. Corrected Pig manure area (Now in correct spot).
4. Fixed railroad cranes.
CURRENT VERSION: V5.0.2.0 UPLOADED OCT 15 2017 @ 21:30 EST
This is an edited version of Goldcrest Valley. Some things have been moved, more objects have been added and a few areas opened up.
Farm Silo’s now store everything but woodchips.
Added FuelTank at the main farm area for refueling.
Revamped the farm area.
Revamped farm silo’s to make them appear to be able to hold everything but woodchips.
Major adjustments to terrain and vegitation (still needs more adjustments).
Fixed Fill limits on all silos/holding areas. I couldn’t remove the fill limit so I just increased it to an insane amount it
default to 2147483647L.
Integrated the mod Placeable Refill Tanks (by GIANTS Software) mod is not needed.
Intergraded mod Chopped Straw For Harvesters (by: webalizer).
Added Seeds and Fertilizer placeable already on map.
Added 4 Water Pump stations one at each animal area and one at Main Farm.
Added 2 additional cow silo’s.
Moved cow zone to farm area.
Moved sheep zone to farm area.
Moved pig zone to farm area.
Old sheep and pig areas are now open fields to be used for whatever.
Field’s have less perfection to make them feel more realistic (needs more work).
Added modded placeable’s (Workshop, Pole Barn).
Field 24 is set as player owned.
Added pig food sell point at pig zone.
The current PDA map is updated but still needs a little work.
Finish tweaking pda_map_H.
Remove silo limits all together.
Expand Cow zone.
Relocate Chicken zone.