Goldcrest production xxl V 2.0 for LS17
Version 2.0
updated the sunflower pallet and added a fix for all the pallets for giants update 1.4
About this map ,This is a follow up from my Goldcrest production map.
first off the farm got moved and expanded to two areas.
part one is the farm house and where the chickens are with the main silo and straw barn.
the other area is for the animals (pigs cows and sheep).
the train track got moved a little bit further out to acommodate the animals.
productions on map are as follow
greenhouses: tomatoes,red cabbage,cauliflower,lettuce,raspberry,strawberry.
pallet production: produce pallets for greenhouses,sunflower,cardboard productions
cardboard boxes: produces two types of boxes for greenhouse,sunflower productions
potato cleaner: produces pallets of cleaned potatoes.
brewery:produces pallets of beer.
fermenting silo: turn grass or chaff into silage
compostMaster: turns raw material in compost.
milk production: produces pallets of milk.
sawmill: produces planks of wood for the pallet and cardboard productions
seedmaster: produces seed for your seeders
sunflower island in middle of the big lake with access over the double draw bridge to produce pallets of sunflower boxes.
All pallets can be sold at the warehouse.
Hope you like and please do not upload this map anywhere else.