Goldcrest Giganto v1.2.0 Map
One month we have to wait for the LS 19, in order to shorten the time a bit, I’ll put you the Goldcrest Giganto Map for download.
Version 1.1
– Goldnugget ausgegraben – so das man sie einsammeln kann
– Fliegende Bäumen auf den Boden abgesenkt
– Rampe zum Verladen von Silage eingefügt
– Zweiter Farm Ballenshredder hinzugefügt
– Fliegenden Hammer entfernt
– Verschiedene kleinere Korrekturen
Es muss keiner neuer Spielstand angefangen werden!
The Goldcrest Giganto is an original Goldcrest Map – which has been fine-tuned.
Optimized is the map for multiplayer players. Single Player can try it too, but it will be enough to start a sweat.
What was done?
Waste lanterns and street signs were removed.
Sawmill has been removed.
A second pigsty and a second cow and sheep pasture were added.
The route of the trains has been extended.
Purchase silos for fertilizer and seeds have been added.
A second BGA which has to be delivered by train has been added.
Two huge outdoor silos for players who like to chop.
The fields have been reduced from 31 to 18.
Huge barns to store a lot of fruits.
The yard was enlarged to accommodate the vehicles better.
The rest you have to discover yourself – have fun.