Hello LS Friends
I wanted you my map not withheld.
I have read the originals Goldcrest Valley and they changed a Bissel.
Among the changes:
Box 14 removed and there pigsty and sheep sat pasture.
Box 15 removed and incorporated there cowshed.
Straw sale at the court added further back and there incorporated the silage silo for cooling Stall
Where cowshed pigsty and sheep pasture was now Wiese
added gas station on the farm
PDA works adapted
What still comes:
PDA on pretty
possibly BGA rework (not sure either ran on the farm or on the former pigsty)
Fields new numbers assigned as field 14 and 15 missing
I Have tested the mod and is log errors.
If something is not working or there is something wrong write me a message. I’ll take in attack.
Please have indulgence I am just starting to modding for LS
Have fun you