Gold Crest Edit V1.0.0.9MP by Stevie.
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Update information new for V1.0.0.9MPby
Farmer_Andy’s latest Kotte Universal pack is needed for Milk and Diesel fuel for his Compost Master 2k17. It can be found on the marhu.net website.
Also useful mods to get are the stop Milk Sale, and Chopped Straw for 2017.
Gold Crest Edit GCE V1009MP Details:
Server Tested, improved frame performance.
PDA map Updated.
PDA Info Updated.
Additional Fruits updated to v1005.
Oats and Rye Fixed with AI workers.
Giants Field Dimensions corrected at 10 and 17.
Compost now loads to spreaders.
Default Vehicles adjusted and all set to 0 days brand new.
Manure Separator added to the BGA yard. Supply it liquid manure and straw and it will produce solid manure in the heap bay.
The train and fruits are fixed and now controlled by the maps xml files for the wagons so all fruits added are now working with the railway system, storage and triggers.
The wood chips heap is fixed at the sawmill and should no longer eat your bucket as the heap has been replaced, the sawmill heap bays and floor have also been lowered.
Triggers and storage have been updated for seeds2 and lime even though the map has no installed use for them so in future if you add placeables with them you should be good to go.
Rye and oat windrow will show in The PDA without Prices as I’m using forage conversion on them to be handled like straw for default vehicles so all straw prices on sell points apply to both types.
Short link lane at the farm added.
Map is made ready for seeds2 and lime although no mods are installed.
Extra foliage added into the norths mountain forest trail.
Edits to clip distance and map optimised.
Extra Parked cars added to key locations.
Floating objects fixed.
Duplicated greenhouse door fixed.
More Trees Planted.
Benches fixed by the farm pool and no longer shake when stood near them.
Fine detailing added to many areas of them map.
Liquid manure sales Trigger added to Jeebs.
All farm storage expanded.
All mail boxes made static.
New loading screen for the release.
There’s more but you’ll not notice.
V1009MP Server Testing Credits, Mark, Mike and Jeff.
There’s more but I’ve simply just forgotten, Have fun with it, we are and I wish you all the best for 2017, Stevie.
V1008DMP Details:
Multiplayer server fixed and tested thanks to Josh and Mark
V1008C Details
Saegeworks pallet fixed, fruit registered and tip point working on the PDA.
Bills Barrels Fixed start up hang.
Hole in the melon yard filled.
Hole on the new access to the compost yard filled.
Starting fields crop and order fixed.
Wood Chipper fixed.
Floating trees fixed.
V1008 Details.
Several field changes have been made to the map.
Multifuit by Black Sheep added into the map with huds, particles, fillplanes for oat, rye, compost and lime(has no function but is ready).
Chopped straw by webalizer updated for new fruit.
Edits made to shaders, draw distance, waterplanes and areas.
New free water triggers added to the wind pumps in key areas.
South wooden river bridge widened for large machinery and access smoothed. Thanks Henry
New cow zone with revised yard layout and buildings. Tested with the Lely cleaner bot.
More trees into the north Forestry areas.
Marhu’s and KevinK98’s sawmill added.
Marhu pallet movers added into the map with new registered auto sell triggers which unload the goods from pallets.
Pig Yard enlarged.
New area fine detailing added to the map.
Texture bug fixed to the cow zone building and map terrain as the map was remade from a new 1.31 base game version.
Greenhouse pallet production for melons, pumpkins and tomato with fruit registered for sell point triggers. Locations are Mel’s Melons and Pro Duce.
New barrel pallet production added to the main sawmill with pallet mover and auto sell trigger marked on the map as Bill’s Barrels, requires just logs for production to start.
Farmer Andy’s Compost Master 2k17 added into the map at the Compost King location, signs and a second yard access also added to the area.
Compost bagged pallet production added into the map at the Compost King yard.
Milk Triggers added to cow zone and Denton bakery.
All sell point ramps adjusted for better access.
Field side vehicle storage added in key areas of the map.
New Placeable large area added to the freeway east of Jeeb’s.
New signs added to the map.
New lighting added and adjustments made to key areas.
New glass added to the farms vehicle hangers and Silo roof cover.
All Prices adjusted.
Train fruit and storage updated.
Farm Silo storage and unloading updated.
Pig food machine, cow forage machine, fermenting silo and wood chipper added mods by Kastor.
Sheep zone has a wool sell trigger added behind the pallet spawner by the fence masked by straw although you will receive a much lower price for pushing pallets into it than transporting them to the spinnery but it saves driving if you need fast cash. Wool Pallet prices have also been reduced as they were to high by default.
New area created near the main sawmill across the road for the wood Chipper complete with crane.
Farm yard access both sides widened and cleared a combine with a 45ft cutter can now pass with care.
The egg collector by Eiseberg has been adjusted after seeing Grizzly Bear Sims get stuck on it in his You tube series.
Street light removed at field 24 after seeing videos with equipment getting hooked on them.
PDA map and information fully updated.
Field 5 and the strip rolled into one creating one huge field in the map.
Fields 13 and 14 have been enlarged slightly.
Cow an BGA silage silo’s replaced, Thanks Donna.
Gold coins have been adjusted where needed.
Field access added back in at field 17 after removing the ground and foliage texture bug.
Several dips and unsmoothed dirt road areas left by Giants smoothed out.
Extra sounds added to a couple of key areas.