FS19 Snow Melting Station v1.1.2.0
Turn snow into purified water at this station.
-Pays $0.1 per litre. (Reward for snow clearing.)
-Also provides a “Water Refill Station”.
-Fully animated.
-Price $52500.
Required Mods:
(Category Adder) & (Just Snow *or Seasons)
Change Log v1.1.2.0
-Seasons’ snow has been given a “price per litre” to enable payment of dumped snow. Price will also show on the ingame price chart.
Change Log v1.1.0.0
-All trailers that accept water will now work at the water refill station.
Required Mods:
– Seasons (By: Realismus Modding)
– Just Snow (By: ViperGTS96)