FS19 Multifruit Harvester Pack v1.0.1.0
When trying to fix the reported problems with the helper, I discovered another error, whereby the “fruitPreparer” recognized a type of fruit that it could not process itself (in my case grass). As a result, the helper continued, but the actual fruit on the field was not harvested, but simply “overwritten”. This solves this problem.
here I offer you my converted multifruit harvesters for download, after it has been successfully in use with me and with us on the server since March ’20 and I have been asked several times.
The pack includes the “Grimme Varitron 470” and the “Holmer TerraDos 40” including the associated attachment “Holmer HR12”.
What is special about this pack is that you do not have multiple vehicles / devices, but can harvest the following 12 fruits with a single device:
– potatoes
– sugar beet (sugarBeet)
– red cabbage (redCabbage)
– white cabbage
– lettuce
– carrots
– onions (onion)
– Roote Beete (beetRoot)
– tomato
– cucumber (cucumber)
– cauliflower (cauliFlower)
– garlic
The remaining functions are those of the standard game.
Please note that you will definitely get a WARNING in the LOG if your card does not contain one or more fruits. You can ignore these warnings, that they neither harm performance nor impair functionality. If you no longer want these warnings (they also look ugly, I know that), you have to delete the corresponding fruit names from the xml files of this pack. If you need help, just write to me. 🙂
If errors occur, please let me know.
Thanks to KattaLord for explaining how a call-back function works.
Also at GIANTS for this great game.
The pack is at your free disposal.
Use it. Rebuild it. Take the script and change it to your liking. Upload it wherever you want.
I do not need approval for this. 🙂
Have fun with it,