Fortschritt E303 v2.0.0 for FS 17
Hi so here I have the version 2.0.0
From E303 the texture has been improved.
an E303 is now in blue.
the colors of the cutter and cutter hanger may be selected in the ls men
otherwise everything is as it was
a tip you should have lust on green land and look at you on the map times a par fields with grass on is this a good helper.
For the grass cultivation
For the grass cultivation
Combine progress agricultural machinery
VEB Harvesting Machines Neustadt – Trunk operation –
GDR – 8355 Neustadt / Sa.
Dear customer!
We congratulate you on the purchase of your Schwadminks E 303 from the
VEB Kombinot Fortschritt agricultural machinery.
Important! The Swordmower E 303 is a valuable agricultural machine
with a versatile deployment program.
The vehicle owner and especially those working with the machine
Persons must be well acquainted with operation and care.
First read the operating instructions, then set swathing gull, lubricate
and drive.
Should you have any questions arising from the operating instructions
have not been answered, you can fully rely on your contract.
These operating instructions take into account the equipment of the swather
Grain production.
These operating instructions only apply in conjunction with operating instructions E303,
Edition Halmfutterproduktion.
Furthermore, the separate instructions for inspections and repairs, ‘
to be observed.
Field of application cereal production
In the machine system, the Schwadher E 303 can except with
Schwadverleger with the cereal cutter E 309 to
Swathes of grain are used. Dependent
from the stock quantity and from the subsequent harvesting techniqu
The grain cutter offers the advantage. the
Swath down either left, right or center.
Many additional equipment ensures the quality of work
the different harvesting conditions.
The trolley is used to transport the E 309 in traffic
T 937 used.
So this should all be like a swather’s Fungzuniert.
Authors: vasilisvasilis31 LS13 Rsonic30 LS17.
scripts: Interactive Buttons: Manuel Leithner (SFM Modding)
newExhaustEffects: by model safe
PumaEffects: Martin Fabik (aka LoogleCZ)
E303_Sounds: by E303 Motor Sounds By LudmillaPower
so I wish you all Vill fun at the grass, beer.