Fliegl DPW180 Vaszics 1.0
The converted version of the trailer can carry 97 different goods.
The package contains 500,000, 1,000,000 and 10,000,000 liters each separately.
These trailers must be copied separately to the MODS directory.
The load rating is indicated by a table placed on the back of the trailer.
The trailer is configured for the City 3.0 map in the near future, but it can of course be used for any other map.
To tow the trailer, I suggest the FS17_Caterpillar_CT660 truck included in the package, which is properly calibrated so that it can be used for fast and safe transport.
Name of goods to be transported:
wheat barley rape maize sunflower soybean rye oat hops spelled SUGARBEET potato onion carrot lettuce cabbage redCabbage grass_windrow straw dryGrass_windrow chaff silage forage pigFood woodChips bakery barleyflour beer boards booze bread butter cake cartonsvapa cauliflower cement cherry coffeeBD coffeeBeanBD Coleslaw concrete condensedmilk cookingOil cornflour emptypalletsvapa fatteningFood Fischmehl_KK Fischman FischMKKK flour gooseliver goosemeat gravel1 greenmanure hmilk juice KaviarKK kefir lettuce_P meat melon motoroil muffin noodles oil osternei plum potatoChip pumpkin raspberrybeer raspberrysvapa redcurrantsbeer redcurrantssvapa reibekuchen saladMix sausage steamedPotato stoffrolleMK strawberrybeer strawberrysvapa sugar tomato washedPotato wheatflour whiskey yellowsand yogurt yogurt1 manure
It is fun to use the trailer.