Field Service Mod
Remote Service trailer that enables you to configure vehicles in the field and can also carry fuel if required.
Rear door must be open to activate service menu.
Fuel pump must be started to activate trigger and allow you to fuel any vehicle at the trailer.
Release Log:
1. Initial release.
1. ServiceTrailer.lua – optimized and new enhancements. The service and fuel trigger now have optional glowing markers.
When the service / fuel function is activated, the triggers themselves can be activated / deactivated. The setting is saved with the game. The marker will be red if there is no vehicle in the trigger, otherwise the trigger is green.
2. Strobe lights fitted to roof and sides of trailer (No script addons needed).
3. Small texture improvements and model enhancements.
4. Trailer running (drl) lights added. These will activate when connected to a vehicle and the connecting vehicles engine is active.
5. ‘repairVehicles’ by Rival is now also supported and your vehicles can be repaired at the trailer.
1. Random flickering of F1 menu has been fixed when using ‘repairVehicles’ mod.