Factory Farm v3.0 for FS 17
I Hope You All Enjoy My Factory Farm Map V3.0.
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This is a Multifruit and Factories Production 4x Map V 3.0
Additional Field Fruits…
Oat, Rye, Spelt, Tobacco, Triticale, Millet, Onion, Hops, Lettuce, Red Cabbage, Carrot, Hemp, Cotton, Cabbage
Plum, Pear, Orange, Apple, Cherry, Coffee Beans, Cocoa Beans
Animal Types…
Cows, Sheep, Pigs, Goats, Enhanced Chickens, Breeding Chickens, Breeding Rabbits
The factories are not working with pallet collectors so they can’t get bugged either, you will need a specially designed trailer to pick up the end products off all pallet based factory’s. 1 trailer made by BDBSSB is built in the map, you can find it in the shop to buy. Another 2 called producttrailer & productFlatbed will be included in the zip file. No other trailer will be able to pick up the products.
There is a fertilizer and seeds factory’s with an updated model, you will be able to fill your seeders directly at the factory’s as well.
Needed mods in the zip file (Included)
Grimme-Pack for Root-Crops
Product Trailers to Load All Factory Products
Grain Trailer
PallettrailerBD to Load Factory Products built in the map file can be found with the tippers
Liquidtrailerpack , 1 trailer for all kind of liquids, will load fuel from in-game gas-stations, will load own produced fuel from the Texaco Factory or from the fuel storages, 1 trailer loads only fuel to be found in the misc category
All the mods are INCLUDED in the .zip file, Once Downloaded UNZIP
Hops and Hemp has to be cut with a Maize Header
1: make sure you don’t have another map in you Mod Folder
2: you do not need UPK or any other script for the map, all you need is built in the map.
Change LOG:
Installed New Cocoa Bean Orchard
Installed New M & M Mars Candy Factory
Installed New Monster Energy Drink Factory
Installed New Bertolli Pasta Factory
Installed New Power Company Factory
Installed Waste Management Factory
Installed Garbage Pick-Up Trash Bags
Added an Additional Pallet Factory
Added an Additional Cardboard Factory
Added 2 Additional Board Factory’s
Added Chicken Meats to Logistic Center
Add Additional Forestry on the Outside of the Map
Removed HotAir Balloon Sound at Startup
Added Grass to bald areas
Added Planters Peanut Factory
Added Purina Factory
Added Enhanced Campbell Soup Factory
Changed Inputs at Texaco Factory
Added Bee Hive Factory
Upgraded The Honey Mill
Added Honey Smacks At Kelloggs
Added New Inputs at Kelloggs
Fixed Water Tube at Budweiser
Removed Silage Silo from Placeable Area
Added All New Output Products to Logistic Center
Installed Slurry Separator (Hay) at BGA
Removed Several Silos from BGA
Moved Output Triggers at Heinz
Moved Output Triggers at Ocean Spray Factory
Repaired Input Trigger at Buffalo Grill
Relocated Potato Chip Factory
Relocated Biscuit Factory
Changed Store Pic for Garbage Truck
Changed Garbage Truck Side Banner
Adding Church to SE Side of the Map
Added Forest to the Southside of Map