Deutz Serie 9 colorable & Chip Tuning V for FS2017
Wackeln beim schleppen von schweren Trailern verringert
Reduced wobbeling of tractor when heavy trailers are attached
“Did you ever wish, your Deutz had more “OOOMPF”? Does the Deutz green hurt your eyes? Then I have the perfect mod for you!”
Original Deutz Series 9 with:
Color choice for the body
Color choice for the rims (V1.0.0.1)
Chiptuning (original engines, 360HP, 400HP)
Less wobbeling of the tractor body while heavy trailers are attached (V1.0.0.2)
Nothing else was changed.
You may change this mod and/or upload it elsewhere, without asking me before. Keep in mind that original Giants data was used to create this mod, i.e. the use of this data for other games could be interpreted as violation of the Giants Copyright.