Deutz fahr Mountaingoat Prototype II v1.0 for LS17
Only texture changed, Identical to original mountian Goat. I just wanted my Camo 🙂
Mountain Goat prototype II – Series DF
The prototype II Type D has 660 hp and is the strongest time in Forestry tractor LS 15 been.
What has changed?
Standard light script (no high beam, no Adaptive Headlights, no LED lighting)
minor errors in the decals are missing warning Blitzer yet entirely (LS 17 refuses to function)
NEW – Protoyp II Type E with 680 hp can be upgraded for an additional payment of € 20,000
this however rise the maintenance costs by 40 €
NEW – Protoyp II type F with 700 PS can be upgraded for an additional payment of € 40,000
this case, however, the maintenance costs increase by 80 €.
Note: Je ne suis pas un créateur de mods juste mis des mods d’autres personnes, avant de laisser un sms pour critiquer consulter les crédits du mod. Merci
eu nao sou criador de mods apenas posto mods de outras pessoas , antes de deixarem uma sms a criticar consultem os creditos do mod. obrigad
Note: I am not a creator of mods just put mods of other people, before leaving a sms to criticize consult the credits of the mod. thank you.