Deutz Desing v1.0 Mod
At Deutz, a few things were changed and improved
4 new tire configurations added
Standard Color Black + 4 New Desings to choose from with matching tire labels
Passenger script was installed as well as the indicator Script
Slices darkened
Warrior logo firmly installed
Interior lighting installed + cabins light
Worklight attached to the side
Chrome Exhaust Cover and Dark Interior by Crashi (Thank you) for that 🙂
Light generally changed to xenon and also partly used by Tschizack Gaming
Motor configuration added 9340 TTV chip 850hp
Sounds overworked but probably changed in V.2 again I do not like it that much
So have fun with it should there be problems or suggestions then let me know
In version 2, there will be a lot more.
Mod video concept will follow.