Description From the New Holland CR 1090
This NewHolland arose from an obsession! The fun of it probably! LOL!
Ps Power: 1653 ps
Cost: € 215,000
Costs Pro / day: € 760
Speed ??60 kmh
Fuell / Tank: 4300
New sounds as engine start and end and work Sound Receiving (he roars)
Filling capacity: 18500 ltr
Abbunkern 550 liters / min
Tires and Craller (chains) Exchangeable From standard to ultra-wide!
So that the New Holland!
Now for Capello Quasar_HS_16
Cost: € 26 000
Keep at day 100 €
Operating speed: 18 kmh
Changeable color scheme costs 800 € So as usual!
Now we come to New Holland 3162_SuperFlex_Draper_45FT Cutter
Cost: € 31 000
Maintenance Per day: € 120
Operating speed: 18 kmh
No color scheme So also no additional money which you have to pay !!!
This mod is from me and DO NOT Where else uploaded or modified and be reingestellt again without my permission (license) !!!
Have fun with it Lg Thunder01!