Cornbelt 16fach v0.8.89 LS 19
Version 0.8.89
UPDATE FS19 Cornbelt 16-fold BETA version
Version 0.8.89 NEW
Last update on: May 18, 2021
Hello community, hello fans of the Cornbelt,
There is a first update to the beta version. After downloading, please unzip the file and then just move the fs19_cornbelt.zip file into the mod folder.
What exactly was changed? You can find this in the list below:
Changes Cornbelt 16-fold Beta by ANDYsMODDING update to version 8.89
fixed! You can now place and sell objects without seasons.
fixed! Field definition field 1
fixed! Some dirt roads have been adapted to the width of the other dirt roads.
fixed! Level crossing raised above field 54!
added! The site where the sheep farm used to be and now the north storage facility is now available for purchase!
added! Trees at fields 1, 2, 3, 5, 6, 11, 49, 51, 56 and more trees at the north farm area added!
added! SeasonsMask BGA South, sawmill & log store
added! Level crossing field 3!
added! Level crossing at field 30 next to the milk sales point
added! additional areas a SessonsMask added to the map!
added! Missing fillTypes written to the FillTypes map.
added! New farm area once in the northwest canyon area and on the river
Finally the time has come!
The first beta version of the Cornbelt will be published and I look forward to your reactions and comments.
The aim was actually only to reactivate the productions from the LS17.
But somehow it turned into a lot more change than I had originally planned.
At this point I would like to thank the castor once again that I was allowed to change his card and make it available to you for download.
A big thank you also goes to FED Action for allowing me to use its Euro pallets and the wooden pallets.
Finally, I would like to thank the testers of the card, Maik, John and Daniel.
Now for the details of the card:
Is is still a 16-fold Mod Map
There are only 65 fields left
There are now 11 forest areas for this
3 BGAs
There are a total of 7 buyable industrial areas, on which only 4 productions are currently available.
There are 17 sales outlets on the map
And many products that are global market ready.
The following mods are recommended but not absolutely necessary:
AM tuning pack
AM Placeable Pack
AM production pack