Here are some mods from FS15 i used Giants editor 7.2 to convert to FS17. I have tested these mods myself and they work perfectly fine. no errors, no glitches.
Package Includes the Following:
32M CaselIH Air Seeder: Holds 400,000 Seeds Per Seed Type. Takes less then half a second to fill.
50M Plow/Disk
BuyBales: It Takes For Ever To Create Seed So This Mod Comes in handy, you can now by grass, hay & silage Bales from the store
pick them up using a bale collector.
Car Trailer: This used for the atv
Feed Trailer: Yes Fs17 has 1 but this trailer can hold up to 999,999,999 of all seed types, gasoline & fertilizer.
felling 30FT: This is just for decoration, its a camper trailer. you can pull it though place it where ever you want.
Horsh Grubber 50M
John Deere 15Inch Multiseeder: Holds 900,000 of each seed type, takes less then a second to fill it
Multifruit, Multifruitmodulestandard, Multifruitlandgaming, & Multivitamin128. These Are add-on mods.
Hope you like em. more to come soon!