Changes to Version 2.1
Creation of a wildlife farm on the southern side of the central mountain range (temporary storage).
Establishment of a concrete plant and palletized cement plant in the eastern part of the map.
Expanding the sand mine with a gravel mining. There has been a complete transformation in this area. Sand and gravel storage has also been refurbished.
On the sandy beach, there are 4 oil drilling towers and an oil refinery that produces engine oil.
Libatelep was created under the horse stable. There were also two temporary storage facilities there.
Bio feed plant was established in the western part of the map.
Construction of a new cow stall began in the center of the hill.
Clarify, repair and relocate the Building Market building.
Creating a new bridge over the highway in the western part of the map.
The fence separating the freeway has been discontinued.
Factory and store info have been updated (externally in PDF file).
Update your PDA.
Re-examine the sales system.
Arrange terrain.
The main data of the 4x map:
Factory (38)
(Sand), Concrete (concrete), Cement (cement), Rabbits (rabbitmeat), Slaughterhouse (sausage, meat), Biofood (fatteningfood, goosefood, rabbitfood), Goose (V), Oil field (oil, motoroil) , Brewery (beer, strawberry beer, raspberry beer, redcurrants beer), Cannery (saladMix, coleslaw), Cake factory, Yogurt Factory, Refinery, Hmilk, Distillery, Sawmill, Sand, Sugar factory, (potato, steamed potato), Reibekuchen, Soya, Weberei, Pallet, Eggfarm, Greenhouses (strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants), Greenhouses1 (tomato, cauliflower, lettuce, pumpkin, melon), Carton, Dairy (yogurt, condensedmilk, butter), Fish (caviar, live and frozen trout, fish meal), Noodles, Juice, Backwaren (bread), Whiskey, Fermenting Silo, Dryer, Forage Factory, PigFood factory
Store (27)
Cowshed_construction, Airport, Bufalo Grill, Bale Storage, Building Market, Pub, City, City Grain, Farmshop, Fuel Sales, GrainMill, GrainTrans, Horse Stable, Manure Processing, Port of GrainMill, PowerPlant, Fish2, Shop1, Shop2, Shop3, Fruit1, Fruit2, Fruit3
Products (92)
Butter, Oat, Hops, Spelled, SugarBeet, Potato, Onion, Carrot, Oatmeal, Oil, Motoroil, Gravel, Cement, Concrete, Rabbit Meat, Wheat, Barley, Rape, Maize, Sunflower, Soybean, lettuce, grass_windrow, straw, dryGrass_windrow, chaff, silage, forage, pigFood, compost, woodChips, booze, beer, hmilk, sugar, flour, cake, cherry, plum, juice, saladMix, yogurt, cabbage, redCabbage, recipe, steamed Potato, washed Potato, stoffrolleMK, empty pallet, easter egg, strawberry, raspberry, redcurrants, cardboard, yogurt1, condensedmilk, kefir, butter, caviar, live and frozen trout, fish meal, noodles, tomato, pumpkin, melon, backwaren, whiskey. potato chips, strawberry beer, raspberry beer, redcurrants beer, sausage, meat, bread, backwaren, barleyflour, cornflour, wheatflour, manure, liquidManure, stoffrolleMK
For more information, see the enclosed guide (Guide1).