You need to put all the files in the train file in your game. C drive program x86 Farming Simulator data vehicles train. If you have steam you need to C drive program X86 steam steam
apps Farming simlutor data vechicles train and you put all the file in there. Than you will need to open the map find the maps folder open find map01_trainSystem01 or the train system you want to
add the car to. Open the trainSystem xml and put save and close. You now have the cattle car with your train. Always make a co
copy of your map so if you do something wrong you can go back.
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/locomotive.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonGrain.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonGrain.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonGrain.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonGrain.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonSugarbeets.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonSugarbeets.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonTimber.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonWoodChips.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonGrain.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonTimber.xml” />
<vehicle xmlFile=”$data/vehicles/train/wagonGrain.xml” />
I put in the xml file wagonGrain4a that needs to be fix before you can use it. The person that makes the car work please re upload so I can use it to.