Case IH AFS Connect Steiger Series v1.0.0.0 for FS19
2021 Case IH AFS Connect Steiger Series
Make sure to thank KMN Modding for his work on this mod as well!
This mod includes 4 separate tractors:
Case IH AFS Connect Steiger
Base Price: $540000
– 40 Wheel Configurations: 22 Michelin, 9 Mitas , 9 Lizard
– Engine Options: 500 (550 hp), 540 (605 hp), 580 (628 hp), 620 (682 hp)
High-horsepower row crop tractors deserve industry-leading fuel efficiency for maximum productivity. With reliable power, advanced hydraulics and an industry-best turning radius, no job is too tough.
Case IH AFS Connect Quadtrac
Base Price: $510000
-Two 3D tracks belt options with belt width options of 30″ or 36″
– Engine Options: 470 (512 hp), 500 (550 hp), 540 (605 hp), 580 (628 hp), 620 (682 hp)
– Features four individually driven, positive-drive oscillating tracks. Designed to maintain constant contact with the ground for a smooth ride, superior floatation and optimal traction.
– Welker Farms Inc logo fender option
Case IH AFS Connect Rowtrac
Base Price: $450000
-15 track configurations: 5 belt width options, and 3 spacing options
– Engine Options: 420 (462hp), 470 (512 hp), 500 (550 hp)
– Features four individually driven, positive-drive oscillating tracks. Rowtrac models provide 50/50 weight splits for low ground pressure to increase yields, plus can easily maneuver through fields for post emergence work.
Case IH AFS Connect Narrow Frame Steiger
Base Price: $400000
– 31 Wheel Configurations: 19 Michelin, 3 Mitas , 9 Lizard
– Engine Options: 370 (425 hp), 420 (462hp), 470(512 hp)
– Steiger wheeled models will keep you ready for any kind of row crop work, in any conditions. And with the 4WD force to boost your row crop operations, Steiger tractors are the ideal choice to pull your large planters and strip-till rigs.
Store Configurations and features for all:
– Body, Seat, and Rim Color options of Red, Black, Grey, or Stegier Green
– Window tint options of regular, light tint, dark tint, or black tint
– US and EU configurations
– Exhaust configurations
– Lighting configurations
– Front rock box options
– Front weight configurations
– Rear weights and quick hitch configurations
– Beacon light configurations
– Additional monitor configurations
– 40 degrees seat swivel
– Openable Hood
– Openable door with interior light
– 4-Point Cab Suspension
The PC (Non-Modhub) version is not yet complete and I am leaving for vacation tomorrow, so it is not likely this version will be out until next week. Sorry for the delay! In the meantime, just use this version as the BETA version. To avoid issues updating later, change the file name to “FS19_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series_PC”
Let me know if you experience any issues. Enjoy!