BUKHALOVO v1.2.5.1 for LS 19
Version for Farming Simulator 2019 (v1.7.x):
– Added the production of compound feed, cement, cardboard, toilet paper.
– The entire territory of the map is divided into areas that will need to be bought in order to cultivate crops or even mow the grass;
– Raising livestock: cows, sheep, pigs, horses and chickens;
– BGA;
– Additionally, a sand pit was added, from which you can load sand with loaders and use it in your needs. Or just sell. Of course, you first need to buy a territory with a quarry;
– Productions: fish farm (live fish), sawmill (produces pallets, boards), greenhouses, potato washer (washing, packing potatoes), pellet production (pellets for sale), dairy (produces cheese and yogurt), bakery (produces bread), production flour, cement production, animal feed production, paper production;
– The main feature of the “Bukhalovo” map is that all cattle pens are static, ie. you don’t need to buy them.
– There are various points of sale in order to diversify the gameplay.
– For the sale of pallets from production facilities, it is required to unload from the car (it does not work correctly from the body).