Broncecrest Valley V Maps
Diverse Terrainfixes (bäume sträucher etc.)
Gülleseperator platziert
Presspalettenwerk platziert
Dünger und Saatgut kauf am Herstellungspunkt
Dünger- und Saatgutlager wurden beim Hof platziert
Diesellager wurde am Hof platziert
Der Bretter Paletten verkauf wurde nochmals verlegt und dem entsprechend dekoriert.
es wurden MODs implimentiert wie
Tire Dirt
Ground Response
More Tree
Sugar cane ready
Everything has remained as it is, except that I changed the yard a bit and added new buildings.
The sawmill site was a little aufgehübscht and expanded.
Sawmill (standard sawmill replaced and no other added)
soy milk
Bio Diesel
Milk pickup at overpipe in cows possible.
Of course, diesel, milk and board sales were also added.
Ground Response and Saw Dust installed directly in the map, the MODs, if used, are now no longer needed for this map.
Things I will not block are additional fruits, lime, compost. Oats etc.
No Shoppedstraw
There are no other production chains created, the card remains the standard faithful and processed, which brings LS17 with it
What updates are perhaps minor terrain changes and pampering.
Kind regards