Biernatki v1.0 LS 2019
Thanks to Alien for the dynamic mud.
FS19 Biernatki V.1.0
Map without log errors. The release of the map coincided with the season update, so with the new season V. 1. 1. 0. 0 , the map will not start. The map works only with or without season V. 1. 0. 1. 0. I’m looking at how to get it under control, but I don’t have time for this. A map without farms and farm buildings, but with a lot of land for buildings. -Fourteen extra crops.
– Dynamic mud from Alien. Installed on field roads and randomly on cultivated fields.
– All thefunctions that the farm simulator offers
– purchase and sale of manure and slurry
– street and pedestrian traffic
– transport emissions
-missions from farmers
By playing the multi you will create a village yourself.
Placeable silos supporting the map under the link,
Please do not update the silos because they will stop receiving crops.
Have fun on the map.
Upgrade to the latest season both Goliszew and Biernatki in progress.