ATC Container Transportation Pack v2.0 for FS2019
Hello everybody,
This version of the pack includes the following features:
New hits:
Truck MAN TGS10 with 420, 460, 500hp
Truck MAN TGS30Multi with 580, 640, 680HP
Trailer TSDH10 – 1 axle central trailer
Trailer TSDH30Multi – 3 axle central trailer
Trailer TGD30Multi – 3 axle turntable trailer
Possible loadings of TGS10 and TSDH10
1×10 ‘container
Possible loadings of TGS30Multi, TSDH30Multi and TGD30Multi
1×30 ‘container
3×10 ‘container
1×10 ‘+ 1×20’
1×20 ‘+ 1×10’
1×30 ‘gas tank
All loading options are configurable in the shop.
Own shop category (thanks to ifko for releasing his script)
bug fixes:
little things:
Note: The folder name of the tractor has changed. These would be lost after installing the new version.
Here is a little guide on how to keep them:
copy mod into the modfolder (do NOT start the game yet)
with eg padd ++ open the vehicle.xml from the savegame (must be made for each savegame using the mod)
SEARCH for: vehicles atc_trucks_semi
REPLACE by: vehicles atc_Container_semi
save vehicle.xml
start Game
V1.0.0.0, 02.01.2019, new mod
V1.1.0.0, 06.01.2019, added TGS20Multi
V1.2.0.0, 26.01.2019, added SemiTractors for containers
V1.3.0.0, 16.02.2019, major update to support multiple containers on one truck or trailer
V1.4.0.0, 02.03.2019, new loading options for TGN40 multi
V2.0.0.0, 03.04.2019, added TGS10, TGS30Multi, TSDH10, TSDH30Multi, TGD30Multi