Animal Worker v2.3 FS2019
Hire a Ranch Hand to tend to your animals.
– Daily at 7am: They will fill the feed, straw and water all your animals for a fee, if active.
– Daily at 8, 9, 10 & 11am: They will train (ride) your horses 25% per hour for a fee, if set.
– All settings can be managed from the setting window (LAlt + NumPad 0)
Change Log:
Version 2.3
– GUI (LAlt + NumPad0) now loads with current settings from XML on initial load.
– F1 Help menu text displays worker status as active or not active for (LAlt + 0) toggle feedback.
– On-screen feedback (top notification) when worker toggled or charges for work, shows for 5 seconds
– Now trains horses 4 times a day with configurable hourly rate per horse at 8am, 9am, 10am, 11am (if you have HorseHelper, set train Horses to false)
– More settings configurations (Activate horse training and hourly rate to charge)
– Fixed Dutch translation for Animal Worker (All translations based on Google Translate)
– Added changelog.txt to .zip
– More language settings (g_i18n variables)
– Add controller inputs
– Add option to sell eggs, milk, manure, slurry, wool (Focus for next release)
– Add configurable training times to settings.
– No known conflicts, however, if you have HorseHelper, you may want to set the horse training to false as both mods will train the horses, just at different times.
– Performance / lag: minimal to none. Lightweight iterations take less than a second.
– Multiplayer compatible: Most features should work, though it has not been tested nor has is_client or is_server implemented.
– Logging: Minimal. Removed log entries minus worker toggle and payments.