AGRO 50M PACK v1.0 Mod
AGRO 50M PACK 2017 v1.0 FS17
Howdy Folks. SO I’ve Been Searching For A Mod To Make Things Go Faster. Now I Do Have The Big Bud DLC How Ever Even Big Bud’s Tools Are Extremely Slow. Using A Big Bud Plow/Cultivator On An 8×8 Field Takes 2 Hours To Complete Travaling At 9MPH….Even In The Real World The Max Speed Of A Cultivator/Plow Is 30MPH Clearing A Field Of That Size Would Take You Around 30 Minutes At The Most. Now I Know This Mod Isn’t Realistic BUT It’s For Fun & For Those Who Just Want To Get The Job Done N Over With For The Next Job To Do.
Note: Je ne suis pas un créateur de mods juste mis des mods d’autres personnes, avant de laisser un sms pour critiquer consulter les crédits du mod. Merci
eu nao sou criador de mods apenas posto mods de outras pessoas , antes de deixarem uma sms a criticar consultem os creditos do mod. obrigad
Note: I am not a creator of mods just put mods of other people, before leaving a sms to criticize consult the credits of the mod. thank you