Sosnova Terra V 1.5 for FS2017
Version 1.5
Neu bei der Version 1.5:
Mischanlage für Kühe und Schweine.
Keilsilos bei der BGA und Kuhstall.
Platz für Gewächshäuser beim Schweinestall, Hof und 3 Plätze im Nordosten der Map.
Einige Felder wurden noch vergrößert.
Fermenter Silo für Mist – für die Gewächshäuser.
Silos für Dünger und Saatgut.
Zwei Gülleseperator und eine Verkauf Stelle am Bahnhof.
Wollpaletten werden ab der 5ten Palette automatisch verkauft – also rechtzeitig wegräumen falls ihr sie selber fahren wollt – was natürlich mehr Geld einbringt.
Viele Kleinigkeiten die ich aber jetzt nicht alle aufzähle – viel Spaß beim spielen!
Version 1.5
New in version 1.5:
Mixing system for cows and pigs.
Keilsilos at the BGA and cowshed.
Place for greenhouses at Schweinestall, Hof and 3 places in the north east of the map.
Some fields have been enlarged.
Fermenter Silo for manure – for the greenhouses.
Silos for fertilizer and seed.
Two Güllerperperator and a sales point at the station.
Wool pallets will be sold automatically from the 5th pallet, so you can get rid of them in time if you want to drive them yourself – which of course brings more money.
Lots of things I do not list – but have fun!
From Map Sosnovka Sosnova Terra as the name was already suggests, it is a modified original map with being too many changes that you do not always see at first glance.
Optimized I have the whole of the Multiplayer – multiple players can equal it started are enough vehicles available and work there is also enough.
The fields have been completely redesigned, there are only 22 fields.
The sign and towers forest was removed.
All fruits you can store in the yard silo and there is also a second silo to the Map.
Two bearings are available for manure.
The farm has been extended with some halls optimal for many vehicles.
Some vehicles are available as mod – here you can ease a little life – but you do not have.
Tractors / straighteners are as Mod thereby condense projecting the silos.