Watea Valley V 1.0 FS2017
Watea valley has plenty of land to fullfil your needs, with a fully operational Dairy Farm, Sheep Farm and Cropping Operation there is always somthing to do.
Of course there is extras like the Dairy Farms Run Off for growing maize, grass silage and plenty of bales.
The Bio Gas plant and the sawmill are also good ways to make money.
The Map is styled off real New Zealand terrain with mostly hilly undulating terrain it may be a challenge for some people who are used to more flat land,
all I can say is it is realistic to New Zealand.
There is half a dozen already worked up cropping paddocks down on the river flat but it is in my intention for players to work up more land as they progress
All the animal loading triggers are at the loading ramps at the farms and the animal “dealer” trigger is up at the dairy farm run off and the wooden yards
Pigs are not in this version of the map but may be added at a later date
All collisions are on fences hedges ect for 100% realism