Map Pleasant Valley County RUS v1.2.5.1 LS 19
This is a translation of the map into Russian.
Vodka factory
Cocoa garden
Walnut garden
Chocolate Factory
Canning factory
Fruit and vegetable plant
Fish feed production
Fish yard
Pasta factory
Cemetery for the sale of bodies
Collector armored car
Storage of flammable liquids
Storage Metal Plus
Storage sheds for cotton, tobacco, hemp and lavender
Storage for processed and canned foods
Snow Plows (replaces HD Western Wideout)
Power Modules
New VeggieOilFactory
New power transmission system
added fill types for the chocolate factory
fixed sump capacity
fixed missing logo on Heinz container
adjusted alcoa to produce 2x faster
added a new variant of the potato harvester to the map with increased power and speed
adjusted performance and speed of onion and carrot harvesters
BGA capacities increased up to 200,000
increased BGA speed to 20 liters per second
BGAs now fully open when pressing the “R” key
added the ability to stack hemp bales with a cotton harvester
added triggers to silos to receive bales of hemp
fixed Pallet Trigger 3 bug on powerplant 1
imported all icons to the map (eliminated the need for GC Addon Icons mod)
organized icons in the sale menu
fixed the problem of spawning eggs in fish hatcheries
fixed an issue with pallet capacity on power plant
fixed door collision in morgue
museum statistics update for October
added several products to points of sale
added light installations at the power plant
fixed definition of donkey feed (pallets should now work)
New seasonal winter objects and lighting effects
Further improvements to power plants
added electricity sales / energy leaks
Increased pallet capacity for power in all locations
tied all galena ore to their respective lands
tied del electronics to the ground
updated land price in del electronics
removed speed cameras
added tolls
added new products to points of sale
added pallets to all power plants
added customizable field mission rewards
fixed parts of the oil rig disappearing before emptying
added 3 desert fuel drop points
added fuel drop point at refinery
added caviar in 3 more points of sale
Added Fort Knox Gold Storage.
Added 5 new Easter eggs.
Adjusted the spawn points of pallets on the PMS.
Added new warehouse building Metals Plus.
Fixed a graphical issue in liquid storage.
Added Wideout Snowplow.
Added fish feed production
Added Dole Factory, reworked by Wolfie7009.
Updated Lizard autoloader with new nodes for the new repository.
Concrete-mixing plant
now the correct number of pallets appears for one load
changed capacity to match new pallet sizes
barrier pallet = 5000
paving stones, block, concrete = 2000
Reduced number of visible pallets for better performance
New Camara Animal Trailer with Fish Nodes
New snow melting plant from wolfie7009
New liquid storage
New module repository from shywizard
New Fish Market!
added interior lighting extension to electronics factory
added interior and exterior lighting in PMS
added interior and exterior lighting to the copper plant
added interior and exterior lighting in Black Diamond
added interior and exterior lighting in Corning Glass
Added 20 Ice Fishing Lakes Locations for Seasonal Solo Players.
added fish to fleigl animal trailers
added new fish products to points of sale
added more ripple effects
updated fleigl animal trailer descriptions to indicate the number of animals
fixed a bug due to which the drilling plant was not displayed in the menu of the global company
fixed errors in the description of the copper factory
adjusted fish food use for non-seasonal players
fixed seasonal animal info for misspelling perch
modified dynamic storage quarry price reduced to $ 200,000
fixed forage harvester now works with hops
Added a new plant for the production of oil rigs and drill shafts.
added battery charging for energy companies
Rebalanced power plants and factory production figures
fixed mask of the seasons (there will be no more snow in the glass factory)
Steel mill renovation
Increased pallet capacity for long pallets to 3000
New liquid tanker
New boat
added storage for hemp bales
Bank Truck
sugar cane made re-cultivated
Lavender is made re-grown
added custom pricing for several new products
cleared root folder, moved texture files
Fish incubators
relocated feeding area
increased the size of the spawn zone