Stara ST105 – FunBuggy v4.0 FS 2019
The small tractor is gradually being revised by me in ModdingWorkshop and provided with new features.
Version 4.0 Sound Update
Added sounds
The mod serves primarily my viewers who want to copy or copy the contents of the mod.
Who else has fun with a baby blue Stara, of course, likes to access 😉
Version 3:
Added decals / stickers
Design configuration added
Version 2:
engine configuration
more stable driving physics for the buggy due to a shifted center of gravity
Version 1.5:
Material color choice for body (chrome, copper, leather, rubber and wood)
Version 1:
Standard color choice for body
Standard color choice for rims
CLAAS Green and CLAAS Red and FunBuggy babyblue added as colors