Holzer v1.3.0 FS17
Version 1.3 Changelog:
House on Unterreiterhof grown
Textures of buildings on Unterreiterhof partially replaced.
Kälberwiese at Unterreiter created for the “intermediate parking” of calves.
Obstwiese am Unterreiter created to convert suckler cows into LS cows.
(This means that calf rearing can also be used by the Graubber for the lower rider.)
Heating added to the lower rider for firewood.
Farms no longer need all the raw materials to produce.
WaterTroughAddon installed at the Buchberghof.
(Thanks to GTXAndy for the MCompanyFactory version of the WaterTroughAddons!)
Added TipTrigger to all the heurocks .
(It is now possible to
dump loose material and not just bales.) Reduced the sound volume of the composting plant and the two hay kilns.
Full of detail 1: 1 replica of the village of wood in the Tegernsee valley.
Welcome to the Holzer Map!
This is a true to detail reproduction including height model from Google Earth from the
village of wood in the beautiful Tegernsee valley in the district of Miesbach in Upper Bavaria.
Started with the construction of the map in December 2016 and now, about 1.5 years later, it is finally completed and waiting to be recorded.
The village of Holz is bordered on the east by the shores of Lake Tegernsee and in the west by the foothills of the Holzer Alm.
The intervening surfaces in wood are divided into a total of 7 farms in the village.
In addition, extensive forestry can be operated in the numerous forest areas.
Every single farm can be independently managed thanks to the MCompanyFactory system.
In addition to the standard animals from the LS there are other dairy farms with calf breeding and a small farm BGA.
In addition, there is the possibility of producing board pallets at the sawmill and the production of compost at the composting plant.
With the land trade it is also possible to buy needed goods such as seeds, barley meal, fertilizer, lime, etc.
The following features are included in the map:
1. GMKFC mod
(Slurry, manure, lime, fertilizer & compost
texture on the fields) 2. Extended Placeable
3. More ground angle
4. Dynamic sky
5. Seasons mod ready
6. mCompanyFactory
(Each yard is sold separately by mCompanyFactory his farm)!
7. mCompanyGraphics for a beautiful display of the respective data
eighth additional fillTypes: compost, lime and crushed grain
(the latter is in some courts within the mCompanyFactory required as fodder).
9. ClipDistanceFPS-Mod
(Causes a reduction in sight of everything that is parked in halls and thus more FPS ingame.)
10. Manure Hose System
(coupling the slurry hoses of Wopster)
11. Grazing Animals
(cows & sheep eat the grass in their pasture.)
12. chopped straw
The map runs without additional mods basically error-free.
Since the courts were all designed differently (all the same would be boring), the position of the built-in trigger is of course different at each farm.
So that you can still orient yourself at the start of the game and find everything necessary, I have also created a manual for the map.
Here are all the triggers of the farms and sales and production sites with pictures described and listed.
This should be a finding of triggers, Abkippstellen, etc. without problems possible.
You can download the PDF file of the manual here: